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Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Tl/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

The template link template is a simple macro template used to display a template name as a link surrounded by braces, thus showing how the template name would be used in code. Its primary use is in instruction and documentation. A short example is:

which generates

More complex variations are described below.


Code Result Notes
{{tl|Void}} {{Void}} Standard usage
{{tls|Void}} {{subst:Example}} For templates that should be substituted
{{tl2|X1}} {{X1}} This formats the link to show how it would look in code
{{tl2|SISTER=M:|3x}} {{3x}} Same as above, for templates on another Wikimedia project (such as meta)
{{tl2|SISTER=wikibooks|LANG=de:|WP}} {{WP}} For templates on another language project
{{tl|1==)}} {{=)}} Use the format {{tl|1=templatename}} if the template contains template coding characters such as {{=)}} or {{!}}