Quest 350: A Job for Two Heroes


Story summary


Before Quest
[The player and Hercules enter the arena to see Cloud get knocked to the ground.]
  • Hades: "Hercules! How did you—!?"
[The player and Hercules ignore Hades to check up on Cloud.]
  • Hercules: "Don't worry, we'll take it from here."
  • Cloud: "Have it your way. But he won't go down easy."
  • Hercules: "I'm not worried. After all, I'm not going in alone."
[The player nods.]
  • Cloud: "Not alone, huh... Must be nice."
[Hercules stands up.]
  • Hercules: "You ready? Phil, come out here. Cloud's hurt. I need you to keep an eye on him."
[Phil comes out from behind some rubble.]
  • Phil: "Well, it's about time you showed up! Look at this place. It's a shambles!"
  • Hercules: "I'll help you clean up later, Phil. There's something else we need to take care of first."
[The player and Hercules turn and face Hades.]
  • Hades: "Sheesh. This party's more dead than those stiffs back home. Aw, lighten up, Wonderbreath. Don't you like my festive decorations?"
  • Hercules: "You never know when to give up, do you, Hades? You don't stand a chance against us."
[Hades turns red in anger.]
  • Hades: "Wanna bet!?"
After Quest
[The player and Hercules do a dual attack and knock Hades backward.]
  • Hades: "Impossible! Give up yet? Never. But I'm a busy guy, and I got places to be. Was taking the kind under my wing the wrong move or what?"
[Hades disappears in flames. Phil and Cloud approach.]
  • Phil: "Nice goin, Herc! You had me worried for a sec, but you really pulled through at the end, kid. You two got a lot of heart."
[Hercules approaches the player to shake their hand.]
  • Hercules: "Yep. That's what makes us strong."
[The player and Hercules shake hands.]
  • Cloud: "The strength of a heart..."
[Cloud starts to leave.]
  • Hercules: "You're leaving?"
  • Cloud: "There's no reason for me to stay."
[Phil storms forward waving his fist.]
  • Phil: "Not so fast, bub!"
  • Cloud: "I already told you. There's no reason for me to—"
  • Phil: "I got two words for you! Clean. This. Up!"
[Cloud facepalms.]
  • Cloud: "Why me?"
[Everyone but Cloud starts to laugh. Scene fades to the player leaving the Coliseum.]
  • Chirithy: "What's this "real strength" he saw in you?"
[The player shrugs.]
  • Chirithy: "Guess I'll never know."



Icon Enemies Locations Notes
  Hades Coliseum Target Enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 1

Enemy types


Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Coliseum

Quest walkthrough

Hades starts off with a strong defensive buff. So it is recommended to bring an Alice medal as she will get rid of it. The rest of the medals brought should include a strength buffer such as Kh 2 Kairi medal and other speed medal that have a special attack that targets a single enemy as this will do a lot of damage. I recommend Master Form Sora as friend medal. This should defeat Hades in 2 turns.
